Regionally Allocated PLD
K.I.S Education Ltd is a longstanding member of the PLD Provider Panel with the Ministry of Education.
As an accredited provider, kura/schools can access professional support from any one of our team of accredited facilitators as part of the Regionally Allocated PLD funding that is available to kura/schools. Our small team has a diverse range of strengths and specialisms, and we are a Ministry of Education approved provider in:
Structured approaches to te reo Matatini (Māori medium)
Cultural Capability (Māori medium and English medium)
Hybrid Learning (Māori medium and English medium)
Our values and our approach to providing professional learning and development have been shaped from the adage of ‘Keeping it Simple’, and our motto of “Kia hāpai, kia ngāwari, kia ora’ is our key driver in supporting kura/schools with their professional learning and development needs.
You can find out more about our team of accredited facilitators here
Te Reo Matatini
K.I.S Education Ltd is an approved provider for PLD for on-delivery of Te Ara Tohu and Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā to kaiako
Te Ara Tohu: Te Whakaako i te Pānui, Tuhituhi me te Kōrero is a Structured Literacy Approach developed for te reo Māori settings. Te Ara Tohu blends the characteristics of an approach and a programme. Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā is the programme that sits within Te Ara Tohu.
Our trained facilitators in Te Ara Tohu and Rangaranga Reo ā-Tā (Tau 0-3, Tau 4-8)include:
Beth Dixon
Dee Reid
Nadine Malcolm
Nichole Gully
Sharron Fabish
If you have received your PLD approval with your Application Reference Number, you can register with us by completing this online form
Cultural Capabilty
We specialise in growing cultural capability in individuals and teams who value and promote te ao Māori, te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori in their professional and, or everyday life, as citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand who are honouring of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Deepen your understanding of aromatawai through an enhanced approach to teaching and learning that is underpinned by Māori values and aspirations.
Seriously so much more than ‘assessment’!!!
Our team can support primary and secondary/NCEA settings with aromatawai.